Getting Around Town WITHOUT your own Car --- Enter Zebigo

In case you missed their sign on Aurora Ave or their sponsorship of Twestival Seattle or Social Media Club Seattle --- Zebigo is going full steam ahead in Seattle. For more details check the Zebigo website or this press release.

What is Zebigo?

It is a Seattle-based ride share site for a faster, cheaper + greener commute plus going to events + one-way trips.

If you need a ride or want to give a ride … Check into Zebigo


Follow Zebigo ride sharing on Twitter here: @Zebigo

Here’s your First Test:


Try Zebigo to get to the next Tom Douglas’ Salmon Chanted Evening event.


imageSupport Seattle Parks - get your tix for Salmon Chanted Evening hosted by @TomDouglasCo #smcsea #PassItOn

Here’s your Next Test:

Get to the next SMC Seattle event via Zebigo.

I’m thinking of making a little contest for people that use the Zebigo service to get to various Social Media events, including Salmon Enchanted Evening events. Stay tuned for details.

Get a Ride – Share a Ride


Hehe, I was visiting some friends in Seattle the other day, I didn't notice any of this.. are you originally from around there?