Begin with the End in Mind

If you are in business … think about what you want to happen at the end of a conversation or if you prefer you can use the term transaction. Typically it means … obtain a new customer or obtain revenue from an existing customer. Both situations are OK, but there are other options.

Sometimes you might be after something else. Perhaps it is customer evidence in the form of a case study or win wire. Perhaps you are seeking a reference or a permission to use their logo or likeness.

The point is you should think about WHY you are having the conversation.

You should Begin with the End in Mind.

This is not to say that every customer engagement NEEDS to end in some form of a transaction. However, typically both you and the customer are looking for the reason why you are having a conversation.

Yes, this might sound very clinical and cold. That is not the intent. The intent is that the smart thing to do when considering a conversation is to Begin with the End in Mind. Think about why you are there (or on the phone or even in an email).


What do you want to get out of the next conversation with your customer? With your colleagues? With your spouse? Kids?

Think about the end result. Begin with the End in Mind and you might find the conversations go a lot smoother and faster or in some cases won't be needed at all.

What do you think?
  • Does this work for you?
  • Do you do this today?
  • If not, Will you start?
Compliments to Steven Covey and his “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” for his inspiration for creating the Drill Bit and Hole metaphor.


Unknown said…
Hi Jeff,

A couple of thoughts:
" . . . you might find the conversations go a lot smoother, faster . . . " - Beginning with the end in mind is like using a road map (remember those?) to plot your route, ensuring that you get there in the most direct way.

" . . . and in some cases won't be needed at all." - This speaks to intuition - a flow in conversation where both parties are on target.

It's a great "mantra" to use to help people point their conversation in the right direction.