Exactly Where is the Intersection of People and Process?

In response to Steve Chambers comment about my blog post / mini-tribute to Richard Feynman - Surely, you must be joking


Thanks Steve for the comment. I often don't explicitly call out links or other parallels to people and process. I leave that as an exercise for the reader. Often times the links are obvious and other times not so much.

In the case of Richard Feynman as a scientist he was a implicitly a follower of the Scientific Method. Which, of course, is all about process - predictable & repeatable processes.

image Feynman was a master at using common everyday language to help explain what could be complex and obtuse topics. In the case of the space shuttle Challenger disaster there were a lot of scientific descriptions about elasticity and temperature gradients for operational efficiency that Richard Feynman eschewed with a simple, inexpensive and very graphical experiment using a glass of ice water and said O-Ring.

He showed the people a process by which the O-Ring would fail.
Richard Feynman was so good at developing and demonstrating this way of thinking that Microsoft Research is using him and his methodology as a model for Project Tuva.  His tried and true processes will be used to help people learn in a more effective manner.

Because I could not find a more direct way to reply to Steve’s comment I’m using this blog post and a reply to his comment.  Steve - I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to comment. Feel free to ping me directly or comment again. My contact coordinates are below.

clip_image002About The Author:
I have spent the better part of the last 16 years working in various aspects of the ECM space. I spent time at
Kofax, Microsoft, FileNet, K2, and most recently Captaris (which was acquired by Open Text in Nov 2008). Prior to that I was a Unix VAR running my own company. Follow me on Twitter, check my blog, send email or find me on Facebook or LinkedIn.

** I am available for consulting projects and speaking engagements. My areas of emphasis are business development and alliance management at the Intersection of Enterprise Content Management and Social Media.

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