If you missed the Microsoft and IAMCP webinar on Partner to Partner Engagement here is a quick recap with a few action items and links to replay the webinar, obtain the deck and additional resources to grow your business.
Partnerships are Essential
to Profitability and Growth
PLAY BACK the P2P Webinar or click on the Play Back image. Then click on the View Online option.
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Audio starts after 15 seconds
Note: You will need to use Internet Explorer or the Edge browser.
For other broswers, click here for a OneDrive link to the video file
What is Partner to Partner?
Partners are the secret sauce in many business deals. Partners bring expertise, contacts and experience to the equation. Working with partners can make a project successful faster, easier and conclude on-time.
Why do Partner to Partner?
Everyone cannot know everything. Partners can bring assets to your engagement model that you don't have in-house.
The Partner to Partner Webinar
Microsoft and the IAMCP worked together to bring years of experience in Partner-to-Partner engagements together in one kickoff webinar. A lot of information was covered in an hour. Listen in here (replay link will be posted within 48 hours) and look at the Resources links below.
And if you want more, seek out a member of the IAMCP. We will share our templates, experiences and success stories with other members. (Hint: Join IAMCP!)
Pro Tip: Engage with your local IAMCP chapter to learn more, do more and engage more.
Connect. Learn. Grow
All of the templates are here for download – 11 Links for you to think more deeply about your P2P engagement efforts
http://www.joiniamcp.org/p2p-maturity-model-playbook.html- Smart Partner Marketing
- IAMCP - Join Us - http://www.joiniamcp.org/index.html
If you have questions please feel free to reach out to me. I am the President of the Seattle IAMCP chapter and I'm also on the IAMCP board and have been in the channel development business for over 20 years. One of my goals is to help partners engage with partners. The goal of the IAMCP is to help partners Connect, Learn and Grow.
Why P2P?
Partners are available to help each other grow their mutual businesses. Partners are great resources to help customers understand what is possible. Partners can be geographically dispersed, they can have expertise by product, by vertical market, by industry and sometimes they just know different people.
Work to find a partner that can help you. Join your local IAMCP chapter. Share your stories.
Connect. Learn. Grow.
Image Credits: Microsoft and the IAMCP
Jeff is an expert in the Enterprise Content Management industry. He brings over 20 years of Channel Sales, Partner Marketing and Alliance expertise to audiences around the world in speaking engagements and via his writing. He has worked for Microsoft, Kodak, and K2. He is currently the consulting with Microsoft and partners to drive Community Engagement and Alliances.
Tweet him @jshuey or connect on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google+ He is active in the Microsoft Partner Community and is the co-founder and President of the IAMCP Seattle chapter.
He is a contributing author to Entrepreneur, Elite Daily, Yahoo, US News and to the Personal Branding Blog.