Rob Me In Reverse – A New Foursquare App

imageIf  Foursquare can get you robbed maybe it can bring something back too. An interesting thought indeed. And one that got me smiling when I saw a tweet this morning from @SmartWoman (aka Vicki Flaugher) about how to use Foursquare in reverse. This is what prompted this blog post.

imageI’m a big fan of using technology to make our lives better. However, there are practical limitations to what should be done or in the case of Twitter and location based services (LBS) like Foursquare what should be shared. This is a top of mind post and will feed into a larger post I’m writing on LBS.

A Fan of Capitalism

I’m not advocating that the bad guys use Foursquare to commit robberies. However, I’m wondering if there is a Craigslist extension that could alert people in near real-time when items that are posted are gone and/or where else to get them. Perhaps a reverse-auction and search for the next item on your list type of thing. Calling all developers!

image In the mean time I’m going to stand by and wait for my gift bonanza to appear. If you need a list of things I want (and things I’d be happy to part with) let me know.

Thanks Vicki for making me smile at the thought of a Rob Me in Reverse Foursqaure app.

What do you think?

  • Are Location Based Services here to stay?
  • How do you use them today?
  • How do you think you will use them in the future?

Source: Time

clip_image002About The Author:
I have spent the better part of the last 20 years working in various aspects of the ECM industry. I am currently with Kodak as a Director of Business Development. In my past I have spent time at
Kofax, Microsoft, FileNet, K2, and at Captaris (which was acquired by Open Text in Nov 2008). Prior to that I was a Unix VAR running my own company. Follow me on Twitter, check my blog, send email or find me on Facebook or LinkedIn.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for returning a laugh to me. I am such a hardcore fan of technology and I am always looking for ways to make our lives better it too - now, all I have to do is get an iphone or droid phone and I'll be able to play along when you undoubtedly create that app. Have fun!

Vicki Flaugher