The Value of an Exit Strategy

image Have an exit strategy.

That statement alone says it all.

However, since this is a post on the Value of a Exit Strategy please read on.


Whether you are launching a business or just hatching an idea it's a smart move to have an exit strategy. I mention the word business below, but an “exit strategy” can be applied to anything. Whether it’s for a new ideas within your company today or for pretty much any other aspect of your life.

An exit strategy can help new grads and seasoned veterans plan their goals … which can help them achieve their goals. Imagining and envisioning the end point is a good thing.

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass!
Paul J. Meyer

Will it be hard?

Yes, it’s very difficult to think about the end of your project. The end of your baby and your brainchild is hard to get your brain around. Especially when you are just starting. While it may seem counter-intuitive it is important to have an End Game in mind.

Key Points: By having a plan for the end of the business means you can more effectively plan for the start of the business.

As an added bonus:
You will be able to more effectively plan for the middle of the business too.

WHY, WHy, Why?

As Stephen Covey said in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ...

Begin with the end in mind.

  • Plan for the ending
  • Achieve milestones
  • Adjust along the way as needed
    - AND -
  • Know how YOU want it to end.

It’s a maze

imageTrue. It IS a maze. There are a lot of unknowns and numerous things that can and will change.

Be Brave, Be Bold, Envision the End …
and Take Action!

This is a maze you must master and plan to conquer. Otherwise … it will consume you and you will be lost in the corners and dead-ends. 

Key Point: If you don’t plan your exit … someone else WILL!

Have an Exit Strategy

Knowing how you want it to end gives you an edge. It provides you with a framework and a backdrop for your expectations AND the expectations of others (including market dynamics). You can never predict all of the things that will happen. If you try you’ll end up in Analysis Paralysis.

It’s simple … Make a plan, think it through, state your end goals, sanity check it with trusted advisors and make it happen.

Know how YOU want it to end.

Now … go make it happen!

Disclosure: Affiliate links. I link these books under my Amazon Affiliate ID. If you have a big issue with this you can opt-out. I’m no Chris Brogan, but Chris wrote a short and sweet blog post about why this should not be a despised act – as he says it’s beer money. For me – it might be one (small) cup of coffee. If you like the book recommendations … great. Buy ‘em via my affiliate link. I thank you and in return I’ll buy the coffee for YOU when we meet in person.

clip_image001Jeff Shuey is a veteran in the Enterprise Content Management industry. Over the past 20 years he has worked with customers and partners to design, develop and deploy solutions around the world. Jeff is currently the Director of Strategic Alliances at Winshuttle. He has worked for Microsoft, FileNet, K2, Captaris, Open Text, Kofax and Kodak. He speaks and blogs about ECM and the Intersection between Social, Mobile and Cloud Computing.

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