Thank you Pete Souza … You Made My Day! (click2tweet)
Pete was the official photographer for the Obama White House.
He created a new photo anthology book from the 1.9 million pictures he took in his 8 years at the White House and a few years chronicalling Senator Obama. There are lots of great shots in the book. Includling a picture of Senator Obama’s desk in the basement with no windows to contrast with him sitting at The Resolute Desk.
Pete Souza visited Microsoft for the Outside in series this week.
It was a packed house and standing room only. As I noted on Facebook.
Simply put … he is an amazing storyteller
He is funny, insightful, and has a great historical perspective.
Fun Fact: He can drink water with one hand (we all saw it)
(link – see the shadow too)
Get the book --- It’s amazing!
Pete captured the essence of what it means to be The President of the United States.
With all the gravitas that goes with it.
We learned President Obama went to Walter Reed Hospital 24 times. We learned of an incredible story about an Army Ranger named Cory Remsburg. We learned President Obama took the job of being Commander in Chief quite seriously
There is also a Young Readers version of the book:
In case you missed it … the Obama White House seemed to revel in all the kids that would come through the office. Pete Souza captured those moments too.
Including the most iconic one of all.
Follow Pete’s Instagram feed @PeteSouza for some amazing pics and a bit of fun too.
Below are a few of my pics from the event.
Thank you Pete Souza … you made my day.
And, thank you for your civilian service to the country. Documenting the man that showed us how to be a president with class, grace, and a sense of decorum.
You may also be interested in my other posts about the Microsoft Outside in series
- The Day the CEO of Chanel came to Microsoft with Microsoft’s Dona Sarkar
- Women in Technology – Marie Curie for Women’s History Month and Design Thinking
- When Al Gore visited Microsoft … Truth to Power
---Jeff is business advisor, mentor and community engagement expert. He brings over 20 years of Channel Sales, Partner Marketing and Alliance expertise to audiences around the world in speaking engagements and via his writing. He has worked for Microsoft, Kodak, and K2.
Connect with him on Twitter @jshuey
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He is a contributing author to Entrepreneur, Elite Daily, Yahoo, US News and to
the Personal Branding Blog with over 250 articles published.