This is a saying that was adapted from something that used to be said about the British Empire and the Spanish Empire. Today it can be applied to the SharePoint Empire.
There are at least two ways to look at this. One … eventually the sun will set on the SharePoint Empire. The other is … The Sun Shone for many, many years on these far flung Empires. I predict the latter will be the case for The SharePoint Empire.
For a few reasons why I think this will be the case see these:
- What role should SharePoint play in a comprehensive ECM strategy?
- The Future of SharePoint (and Windows Phone 7)
- There is a SharePoint in your Future
SharePoint Saturday - The Secret Sauce
SharePoint Saturday events are just one example of how the Sun Never Sets on the SharePoint Empire.
The tireless work of the organizers at the various SharePoint Saturday events that happen all over the world is a testament to the pent up demand for Everything SharePoint related.
Three SharePoint Buckets
I say there are three primary categories of SharePoint Experience Needs. They are simple and a little all encompassing, but they fit.
- IT Professionals
- Developers
- Line of Business
In the past, many of the events focused on the first two buckets almost exclusively. Now, there are entire events dedicated just to the Business Side of SharePoint.
Business Happens
Focusing on the Business Aspects of SharePoint is the right way to go.
Don’t get me wrong … we need Developers and IT Pros to understand how to create web parts, wire web parts together and do the very challenging (and creative) task of developing the next generation of SharePoint Solutions. We also need IT Pros that know how to stand up and administer servers (and services) to insure users are able to access the information that reside on SharePoint Servers and other repositories where SharePoint surfaces data.
Where Will You Get Your SharePoint On?
Check the SharePoint Saturday site (link) often for an event in your region. Since this is run entirely by volunteers events pop up all over the place. See the 50+ events on the list of Past Events. Check often for an event popping up in your region. Better yet … Create your own SharePoint Saturday event. There is a lot of pent up demand for All Things SharePoint. If you don’t know where to start --- look to your local SharePoint Users Group (SPUG) or reach out to the local Microsoft office or connect with the SharePoint Saturday leaders and event organizers in other regions.
A Clan of Raving Fans – See my post with the same title here
Kudos to Michael Lotter (@michaellotter) for creating the SharePoint Saturday organization. Michael is just a regular guy – with apparently too much time on his hands – so he did what every passionate SharePoint enthusiast would do … He created SharePoint Saturday.
The Sun Never Sets on the SharePoint Empire
I’m convinced that The Sun Never Sets on the SharePoint Empire and it won’t set for a long time. Why? It’s because of the Community. Not just the one that has been created by Michael Lotter. There are numerous SharePoint User Groups (SPUG’s) and there are new events being kicked off every week for IT Pros, Developers and lately for the Line of Business users. It’s the Community that keeps it vibrant, growing and sharing.
What do you think?
- Have you been to a SharePoint event?
- Will you go to a SharePoint event in 2012?
- Will the Sun Ever Set on the SharePoint Empire?
Image Credits: SharePoint Saturday, Michael Lotter, Guillaume Dargaud
About The Author:
I have spent the last 20 years working in various aspects of the ECM industry. I am currently with Kodak as a Director of Business Development. In my past I have spent time at Kofax, Microsoft, FileNet, K2, and at Captaris (which was acquired by Open Text). Prior to that I was a Unix VAR running my own company. Follow me on Twitter, check my blog, send email or find me on Facebook or LinkedIn.